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Marketing and Sales

Event Management


A successful event is executed with creativity, efficient communication, attention to detail but most importantly staying in control and calm.


I have managed a number of events for charities, causes and organised the event calendar at Kavanagh College. I have also coordinated functions for up to 150 people. You can view some of these events with the link below.





I have accumulated years of experience in the hospitality sector which has given me extensive knowledge and understanding of the importance of superior customer service. The positions have ranged from housekeeping assistant to supervisor in an array of businesses, from your local country bar to 5 star luxury resorts.  


Working with your sales and marketing team, this insight will help your business increase profitability and improve brand loyalty. If you would like to read more information about my different roles, click below.

Need to establish a marketing campaign that will engage with your customers, has rich content which converts and brings your company to life. You need someone with enthusiasm, creativity and drive to join your marketing team.


I have coordinated campaigns that resulted in an increase to Twitter followers by 500%, Facebook fans by 614% and generated an increase in revenue by focusing on a new target market.


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